City seeks residents to serve on boards and commissions

September 13, 2024

Coppell—Are you looking to give back and get more involved in local government? The city of Coppell is currently seeking passionate individuals to be a part of 10 boards and commissions that help guide development, future needs, regulations, and more for Coppell. Applications are available at through Friday, Sept. 20.

“We rely on the members of our boards to serve as advisors to the city council and represent the voice of Coppell residents,” Ashley Owens, city secretary for Coppell, said.

Regular patrons of the Cozby Library and Community Commons might consider applying for the Library Board. Residents concerned about housing trends in Coppell might explore whether the FOARD Task Force is right for them. Do you believe that efficient technology use can help us utilize city resources more effectively? Perhaps the Smart City board is right for you.

Serving on a board is not just for adults. Students who live in Coppell and are in grades 7 – 11 in Coppell ISD, can apply to serve as Youth Advisors on the Library Board or the Parks and Recreation Board. Youth Advisors serve for one year, and this is a great way for Coppell’s youngest residents to get involved in local government while building experience to prepare them for college and beyond.

Each of these volunteer boards, commissions, and task forces are essential in ensuring that city services meet the needs and expectations of Coppell residents, businesses, and community organizations.

Applications will be accepted online at through Friday, Sept. 20, and must be completed by this date to be considered for one or more of the following:

Animal Services Advisory and Appeals Board

The Animal Services Appeals Board hears appeals from residents concerning the denial or revocation of their pet's registration for violations of the ordinances pertaining to Animal Services. This board is comprised of an Animal Services manager, a licensed veterinarian, and an animal welfare representative. The board meets when called by the chairperson, upon written request of a board member, or when requested by city council.

Board of Adjustment

The Board of Adjustment (BOA) was created to interpret or modify zoning regulations in particular cases, as circumstances may require. The board has the power to subpoena witnesses to hear appeals, grant special exceptions, and give variances. The board is composed of five regular members and four alternate members and meets at least once each year.

Coppell Recreation Development Corporation

The Coppell Recreation Development Corporation (CRDC) is a non-profit organization that was incorporated pursuant to, and governed by, Local Government Code Chapter 505. The CRDC is charged with the responsibility of expending the proceeds of the ½-cent sales tax for the construction and development of numerous projects as defined by the voter approved proposition and by the City Council. The CRDC meets as needed.

Ethics Review Panel

The Ethics Review Panel reviews and investigates Code of Ethics complaints, forwarded from Special Legal Counsel, to determine if a violation occurred. Members of the Ethics Review Panel serve at the pleasure of the city council and meet when necessary, as outlined by the complaint procedures in the City’s Code of Ethics.

Future Oriented Approach to Residential Development Task Force

The Future Oriented Approach to Residential Development (FOARD) Task Force evaluates the future needs of the community from a residential housing perspective. The community engagement feedback for the Vision 2040 Strategic Plan identified a need for diverse housing types that can accommodate residents of all ages, fulfilling the promise of Coppell as a Community for a Lifetime. The task force advises the city council and makes recommendations on matters related to residential housing development/redevelopment. The FOARD Task Force meets at least quarterly, on a schedule determined by board members.

Library Board

The Library Board is responsible for making informed recommendations regarding library services and programs, and board members serve as liaisons between residents and library staff. The board is composed of seven regular members, two alternate members, and two youth advisors. This board meets on the second Thursday of every month.

Parks and Recreation Board

The Parks and Recreation Board advises both the city council and the Community Experiences (formerly known as Parks and Recreation) Department regarding the planning and development of park and recreational facilities and regulations governing their use. The Parks and Recreation Board also recommends an annual update to the Parks and Recreation Master Plan. This board meets at 6:30 p.m. on the first Monday of each month and for special sessions, as needed.

Planning and Zoning Commission

The Planning and Zoning Commission makes recommendations to city council on issues related to planning, including zoning, platting, ordinance amendments, and other related matters. This board serves as the site plan approval authority for the city and has been granted the right to approve final plats in some instances. The board is composed of seven regular members who meet on the third Thursday of each month.

Smart City Board

The Smart City Board evaluates the future needs of the community from a Smart City perspective, a key component of the Vision 2040 Strategic Plan. The board advises the city council and make recommendation on matters related to technology that support the Vision 2040 pillars and goals. The Smart City Board meets at least quarterly, on a schedule determined by board members.

Special Ethics Legal Council

The Special Ethics Legal Counsel shall be selected to act on any complaint under Chapter 1A on a rotation basis from a list of such attorneys established by the city council for these purposes; said attorney(s) shall have all the powers of investigation as are given to the city council by reason of the City Charter when discharging their duties under said article.

Boards and commissions applicants must have lived in Coppell for at least one year and must be registered to vote in Coppell.

If you are unable to apply online or need assistance, please visit the City Secretary’s Office at Coppell Town Center, 255 Parkway Blvd., call 972-304-3669, or email For more information or to apply, visit

SOURCE City of Coppell

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